NIU- Under Graduate Programs
- Accounting & Finance: From simple accounting to actuarial science, banking and the principles of modern finance.
- Advertising: Placing the product in the right intuitive space, analysis of market opportunities and sources of competitive advantage, allocating resources to new and established products, bringing best value to the customer.
- Art & Design: A practical application of drawing and painting skills to advertising and an examination of the principles of design in crafts, industry and engineering products.
- Fine Arts: A series which explores line, form and perspective in traditional media and examines the history of art in Western, Chinese and Indian traditions.
- Business Administration: Supply chain management, production and operations management, quantitative approaches to decision making, the sociology of business.
- Business Leadership: Major theories of leadership and the personal characteristics of effective leaders: personality, cognitive style, mental models, emotional intelligence, courage, and morality.
- Business Management: The implications of core concepts in business for managers and policy makers. Relationship of the office physical and social environment to productivity and health of the business team. Case studies of good decisions in real management situations.
- Human Resources: Personnel management, social programs and employee benefits, individual development and training program design.
- Marketing & Sales: Theory and application of modern marketing concepts, principles, and techniques, to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and create loyal customers.
- E-Business and E-Sales: Introducing electronic business with a focus on its implementation through the Internet and the World Wide Web. How to mount effective sales campaigns and how to avoid the mistakes which led to the crash of earlier e-business.
- Computer Information Systems: A course for managers who need to know the basics of modern computing systems: this is a survey of IT for business.
- Computer Science: Principles of computer design, discrete mathematics and the development of algorithms, theory of computation, the history of computer languages.
- Information Technology: An advanced series for the IT professional.
- Web Design & Development: Introduction to drawing and painting, working with text, Using layers symbols and instances, bitmaps, animations and twinning, buttons, hotspot, sounds.
- Criminal Justice: The North American legal systems and their development, case histories and styles of prosecution and defense, the role of the police, judge and jury, aboriginal law and the sociology of crime.
- International Law: An advanced series dealing with the history and development of the body of international Law, a survey of world legal systems and an examination of the differences in legal thinking in different cultures.
- Psychology: Experimental studies in environment and behavior and methods of psychological therapy.
- Paralegal: Training in law systems for the practical professional.
- Principles of Civil Engineering: An advanced series from mathematical foundations to surveying to theory of pipe structures and liquid flow, systems analysis from city structure to urban ecosystems.
- Principles of Architecture: From physics of structures to control of air quality by rooftop and vertical gardens: the exciting new approaches developing out of the traditional methods.
- Principles of Electrical Engineering: Electricity and magnetism, linear circuits, semiconductors, insulators and magnetic materials electronic conduction, engineering design, systems theory and introduction to fuzzy logic.
- Principles of Mechanical Engineering: Mechanics of Solids, Thermodynamics Dynamics Properties of Engineering Materials, Mechanics of Fluids:, Energy Conversion, Heat and Mass Transfer, Automatic Control Engineering.
- Principles of Chemical Engineering: Stoichiometry and chemical kinetics. Homogeneous reactors: isothermal operation; batch; semi-batch; continuous tank; plug flow reactor design. Multiple reactions in reactor networks. Temperature effects in adiabatic and non-isothermal reactors. Yield, selectivity and optimal operation of reactors. Heterogeneous catalysis and effectiveness factors in two-phase reactors & Process control.
- Principles of Environmental Engineering: Classical approaches to environmental problems from water quality to catalytic converters for internal combustion emission control and development of new approaches to preparing cities for climate change and pollution abatement.
- Healthcare Management: A survey course in management techniques and preparedness with emphasis on management lessons from the SARS epidemic.
- Health Sciences: An advanced series covering anatomy, human physiology, radiation biology and technology, traditional medicine and environmental health.
- Nursing: An advanced series covering anatomy, kinesiology.
- Medicines: An advanced two semester series dealing with the principles of Western Medicine and contrasting the Chinese Traditional Medicine, Ayourvedic and Shaman approaches.
- Principles of Physical Science: From the ancient Greeks to sub-atomic particles and string theory to the latest research on dark matter.
- Principles of Chemical Science: Traditional physical chemistry, organic and biochemistry, new developments in low and high temperature and pressure chemistry.
- Principles of Biological Sciences: Two semester course covering the basics of evolutionary theory, ecological theory, physiology and development, and animal behavior with particular emphasis other applications in environmental peace.
- Environmental Sciences: Aspects of ecology, chemistry and geology important to environmental management, principles of toxicology, geographical information systems and remote sensing.
- Environmental Peace: An advanced course integrating those aspects of sociology, psychology, environmental science and medical sciences which bear upon the problems of stability in human and natural systems.
- Economics: A broad survey of traditional economics and special emphasis on ecological economics.
- Sociology: Both traditional sociological topics and sociological interactions with ecological problems and resource supply are treated.
- Diploma in Business Analytics (Training Partner: Hands-On System, India – Application in progress)